사무실 이전을 축하드립니다.
사업이 더욱 번성하시고 발전하시기를 기원합니다.
이전을 축하합니다
무궁한 발전을 기원합니다
축하드립니다. 더욱 번성하기를 기원합니다.
이전을 진심으로 축하드림니다
항시 멋진 소식 정보를 주어 감사함니다
더욱 번창하길 기원합니다
Congratulations for moving to a better office apartment.
This is a sign that you are moving forward.
Congratulations for moving to a new office to 도시이름.
That signifies your business is booming!
Congratulations! I never doubted your word, when you first mentioned it in mail.
I wish you more successes, you sure deserve it.
Congratulations! Forward ever, backward never!
Congratulations on your new office.
May God continue to embarrass you with more and greater successes.
Congratulations! That is the sure blessings of Abraham the scriptures talks about.
There shall be a lifting for all those who believe.
I rejoice with you.
Congratulations on your new status. What a welcome development for an establishment that have impacted immensely to the development of people's visions, goals and aspirations. I wish you many, many, more years of invaluable services to mankind. Congratulations once more.
Congratulatuions on your relocation to the new office.You have just taken another step towards the greater height you are destined to attain.May the good lord continue to uphold you as you keep moving.